Marte Lind Bergsli

Oslo, Norway

May 07 at 04:31 AM

I went real heavy on the lunges

May 06 at 04:41 AM

The best core session


Commented on MVP: W2 MINI CARDIO

May 06 at 04:14 AM

I kicket off beach shred ‘24 with this. So glad to see how much streonger i am now

May 06 at 02:30 AM

What time?? 🌴🌴

May 06 at 02:28 AM

Great intro, hope everyone is ready to get Salty. Can’t believe its the 4th beach shred! Amazing ❤️


Apr 26 at 10:38 AM

This is great


Commented on FUN BACK SHRED

Apr 24 at 04:36 AM

Tros was Salty af!

Apr 21 at 03:27 AM

Did it again

Apr 17 at 03:26 AM

Im doing only Cardio sessions from the grind series for now 🔥 just move


Apr 17 at 03:24 AM

That is a great shirt