Erika Sanchez

Austin, TX, United States

Jul 07 at 09:21 PM

You are awesome Kathleen!

Jul 07 at 06:22 PM

After todays session, I thought the 8 week shred really gave me the foundation for this series to be able to push my boundry lines further! I am loving the structure of these!

Jul 06 at 05:12 PM

Same Trace! You are like my workout salty twin! 👯‍♀️

Jul 06 at 04:16 PM

Happy wedding anniversary!!

I had the same facial expression as you did here when I finished!


Jul 06 at 04:07 PM

Jenny lives up to her session title! The first session burn! My heart rate hit 170! My lesson: hydrate! I had the worst muscle cramps on my leg with last few exercises with the band. 🥵

Replied on Hair…

Jul 06 at 01:13 PM


Commented on L&B: #3 MEAL BLOCKING

Jul 05 at 02:29 PM

I LOVE THIS!!! The break out and percentages makes so much sense. The lightbulb went on when you said not to move extra calories to the next meal! I often think that because I didn’t eat enough during a certain meal, I can just eat a little more in the next one! Usually that ends up being dinner.

Commented on Hair…

Jul 04 at 08:13 PM


No lie…


Jul 04 at 08:13 PM

You know you slayed your session when you see in the mirror your crazy hair! Lol


Commented on Run forest run

Jul 04 at 08:11 PM

Way to refocus your energy! That’s growth right there! ❤️