Erika Sanchez

Austin, TX, United States

Apr 28 at 05:30 PM

I have been called “chiquita pero picosa” in spanish, which means “little, but spicy” 😜

Replied on BB

Apr 28 at 05:23 PM

Oh girl! That is amazing and also rough all at the same time! But I love it!

Replied on Beach Shred 2023

Apr 28 at 05:01 PM

I think we are all feeling it! Hang in there! I am doing the same ☺️

Replied on Back at it!

Apr 28 at 03:11 PM

Thank you Trace! ❤️ can’t wait to meet and see you in a couple of weeks!

Commented on Beach Shred 2023

Apr 27 at 06:25 PM

Yup! Wednesday session was awesome! Jenny, you keep filling up my cup! And I will remember your words when I am having a bad day. ❤️

Commented on Back at it!

Apr 27 at 03:21 PM

Thank you all!


Apr 26 at 10:35 PM

I have been away for a couple of weeks because work has me mentally drain, doing a session here and there. Today I decided to just hit play on this weeks Monday session and Trace and Jenny just send me some good energy. I also miss the salty squad. Things have settle down at work a bit, so I am hoping my schedule gets back to normal.


Commented on Ouch

Apr 26 at 10:28 PM

Sending you lots of good vibes your way for a speedy recovery!

Replied on Beach Shred 2023

Apr 17 at 08:13 PM

Ohhhh now I know what’s waiting for me tomorrow! ❤️

Commented on Beach Shred 2023

Apr 17 at 08:12 PM

I had to swap Tuesday session today because of my schedule and it was awesome! I love boxing, I trained for 3 years prior to baby boy so I got super excited when I saw this 20 min session! It was good to punch the heavy bag!