Paula Carr MacDonald

Gainesville, VA, United States

May 11 at 06:47 AM

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms / mums / mothers in the #SaltSquad!


Apr 17 at 05:16 AM

I sure didn’t look like our fearless leader, but I did shake it and sweat it the only way this rebuilt body moves 🙃🤣

Dec 15 at 05:47 AM

I wish I could participate when this one runs live but will be in recovery mode from back surgery. So, I’ll catch you all again in hopefully February! Happiest of Holidays to all my #SaltySisters and misters 🤪😘

Commented on THE MVP CHAT

Oct 05 at 04:38 AM

So awesome to workout wit Roman this morning 🥰


Sep 27 at 08:17 PM

Tabitha Hook thanks and ditto will miss all y’all!


Replied on THE MVP CHAT

Sep 27 at 08:16 PM

Prayers you find answers and relief


Commented on THE MVP CHAT

Sep 27 at 05:05 AM

Alternate to pigeon … hey Salt Squad, I filmed a little video demo but apparently can’t share that. So, I’ll just tell you that if your body (like mine) physically can not go into pigeon pose you can lie on your back and do a reclining figure 4 stretch. Basically you lie on your back and bend your knees then you take your right ankle and place it over your left knee. Then you use your hands to kind of go between that little space and behind your left knee and you pull your left knee toward your chest, using your right elbow to push out on your right knee. It gives you the same stretch that you get from laying in pigeon pose. I learned it from going to yoga so anytime they cue pigeon in yoga I do this because my body physically can no longer take that pigeon shape. I hope that helps someone. Have a beautiful day salt squad.

Commented on 🥵🤣

Sep 17 at 04:41 PM

Welcome to the #Squad

Sep 15 at 12:07 PM

Jenny Fisher yes ma’am … getting salty as long as I can 😘


Sep 15 at 11:24 AM

Given my December back surgery, I know I won’t be able to make this one 😕 it looks amazing though!!