Kate Rizzolo

Littleton, NH, United States

Commented on Beach Shred 2023

Apr 21 at 08:45 AM

I am loving this beach shred. Awesome week 1, Jenny!!

Commented on Beach Shred 2023

Apr 20 at 07:36 AM

Feeling the burn this morning! My glutes still hurt from leg day 😜 Nothing quite like doing commandos and my 90lb golden trying to sit on me. Talk about a modification 🤣🤣

Apr 20 at 06:53 AM

When Sammies trail took out the sound 🤣

Replied on Beach Shred 2023

Apr 19 at 06:30 PM

That’s awesome! What’s your Pelo LB name? Mine is KayRizz (NH)

Commented on Reentry

Apr 18 at 06:30 PM

I hope you are feeling better!

Commented on Beach Shred 2023

Apr 18 at 07:35 AM

I struggled to get up this morning. But I did… I could hear your voice in my head Jenny 😆 So I put on my sneakers and workout clothes and turned on the session from yesterday… and I feel so much better. While I am certainly going to feel it later. I’m proud of making time for me. Even Buddy is tired 😴

Apr 18 at 07:25 AM

Oh I am going to feel that tomorrow 😍 Feels great to be back!

Apr 16 at 06:12 PM

Omg that should say, I am so excited 😆 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣 Story of life lately! It’s been an interesting few months, Jenny. But starting to feel back on track! 30 days!!!

Apr 16 at 05:53 PM

I’m not excited for the next 8 weeks. It’s been a rollercoaster few months with work… so I’m ready to get back into a regular getsalty routine!! 😊

Apr 16 at 05:52 PM
