Angie Morrell

Hooper, UT, United States

Nov 12 at 03:01 PM

Thanks Jenny! I appreciate your input.


Nov 12 at 01:09 PM

From what I gather he does want you to workout shortly after consuming the 30 grams of protein. I like you take, “eat when your body tells you it’s hungry” which for me is usually a hour after I workout. I did want to check with you though cause if there was some truth to what he was saying about my body digging into my lean muscle for energy I wanted to correct that! Thank you for your input!


Commented on Rookie: NUTRITION CHAT

Nov 12 at 11:50 AM

There is this Reel that keeps popping up on my page talking about 30/30/30. The message is to eat 30 grams of protein; 30 minutes after waking; and then do a light (heart rate not to exceed 135) exercise for 30 minutes. The spokesman goes on to say if you exercise without eating first you will burn through lean muscle.. What are your thoughts Jenny? I always exercise before I eat and I push my heart rate higher than 135.

Commented on Wow wow wow

Oct 02 at 11:26 AM

I agree! This series has been my favorite!

Commented on Birthday Session #1

Sep 13 at 10:14 PM

Happy early birthday!


Commented on Can I get an Amen?!!!

Sep 13 at 10:13 PM


Commented on MVP: W2 ANIMAL HIIT

Aug 18 at 11:39 AM

Wow! My whole body is shaking! Great finish to the work week.

Commented on Session history

Aug 02 at 10:14 AM

Thank you both for replying. I was actually looking for a way to see when I did the workouts. You know, go back and do some of the ones I did at the beginning of this journey.


Jul 19 at 10:05 PM

Is there a way on the app to see what sessions we did and when?


Jun 12 at 06:36 PM

Me too.
