Tessa Potgeter

Allendale, MI, United States

Feb 20 at 06:18 PM

Love this! Thank you for sharing. It's a great reminder. I'm a perfectionist so I understand. But, I'm learning to allow myself these breaks too.


Feb 19 at 01:49 PM

Great workout! It was much harder than I expected. I did the live session with you 😘 Also, your 5:30 a.m. session, I will be there! That time works better for me bc I have to be out of the house by 7:15 🙃

Feb 16 at 04:14 PM

So much fun! And I’m drenched💦

Feb 15 at 12:34 PM

You are amazing! Thank you, Jesus ❤️


Feb 12 at 12:35 PM

Jenny Fisher I will have to try those! I've never heard of that brand. 


Feb 12 at 10:54 AM

Ladies, a goal of mine is to cut out pop. I don't drink it a lot but when I do I crave it more. Any suggestions? I drink water but I get tired of it having no flavor. I've tried lemon and I am not a fan. Thanks!

Feb 11 at 02:44 PM

It's funny you brought up,” I hate you but I love you.” I said out loud before the last set of air squats, “Jenny, I hate you.” 🤣Love you, girl. 😘

Feb 10 at 01:51 PM

Phew… it's been a week. My seniors are starting to check out already so keeping them going is a chore 🤣 I was exhausted yesterday so did this today. Glad I didn't skip this ❤️ Just what I needed.

Feb 05 at 06:34 PM

😂 Trace I was so pissed when we had to do the salt makers at the end


Feb 04 at 09:01 PM
