Sandy Still


Oct 11 at 09:05 AM

Week 8 MVP I’m coming for ya! Leg day was brutal especially after taking about a week off of workouts. My body was saying rest and it was hard but I listened. Focused on walks and being gentle for about a week. Back at it last night with mini cardio session with my girl - who was encouraged to workout with me when she saw Jenny’s son doing the session with her. So cute. I hope everyone is having a great week and honoring what their body needs!


Sep 25 at 03:06 PM

I’m Push Poo’ng 😂😂 my way thru MVP! Just finished week 6 Friday session. Am still sore in the chesticles in the best way from 2 days ago. Hope everyone else is feeling great and meeting their goals!


Sep 08 at 10:15 AM

Just finished week 4 Wednesday session! Man that was a burner 🔥

Finally catching air with my handstands! Started the journey in April and it feels awesome to see how quickly I’ve progressed from the level 1 down dog kicks to inverting with a lil hang time! Used my daughters tumbling mat so I’d feel safe in case I fell. As a former pole dancer (for sport and fun and body positivity) I love being able to invert again! 💃

Thanks Jenny for Get Salty - it has changed my life 💙 🧂



Sep 02 at 05:40 PM

Y’all 🤣

My husband just showed me a video from his workout app of a new move he did today.

They were saltmakers! I felt so strong and proud being like “oh yeh. I did those yesterday. They are saltmakers duh 💪🏻”

Hope y’all have a good long weekend!


Sep 01 at 08:35 AM

Finished week 3 today! Finally nailed full sit outs 🙌🏻



Aug 26 at 12:09 PM

Just finished week 3 leg day. Not sure I’ll be able to move tomorrow 😅🥵

Frankensteins and giving birth moves were a hoot and super fun!



Jun 10 at 05:39 PM

Y’all these past several weeks of Beach Shred have been life changing. I love how strong and toned my arms feel and how confident I feel at the beach. I’m pretty proud of myself this week too for completing SIX workouts so far! Already looking forward to number seven tomorrow 💪🏻



Apr 27 at 10:32 AM

YA’LL I’ll be ugly walking in from the garage after making booty biscuits this session😅. Those diamond lifts 🥵💪🏻

But I know later I’ll be walking tall and pretty 🤩



Apr 23 at 12:15 PM

Well week 1 kicked my arse in the most amazing way! I’m toast after just finishing Friday’s workout - but I feel AMAZING!