Kristen McDaniel


Jun 13 at 05:35 PM

Today as we were getting ready for the pool my daughter asked why I never wear my two-pieces…my mental thought was “because I hate my body” but I’m determined to not pass that mentality on to her so instead I told her to pick one out for me. It occurred to me I never worry about what the other moms are wearing at the pool, except to wish I felt confident enough to do it. So today I put on the hot pink bikini she picked (no chance of going unnoticed lol), chose to believe her when she told me I was beautiful, and then despite being hot and tired when we got home, I pushed play on the leg day workout and crushed it. Not because I felt like I “had to” but because I wanted to continue to show her that I love how strong it is, even now. Little wins every day!



Jun 03 at 11:33 AM

Starting the beach shred a little behind, but just finished my first solid workout in almost 10 months (with my emotional support lab 🤣) I let too many distractions & excuses keep me from my fitness for too long but it feels amazing (and exhausting) to be back at it!