Leslie Ambrose

Charleston, SC, United States

Image for the badge HABIT BUILDER.
HABIT BUILDER earned for a 3-day streak!
Image for the badge DAILY MOVER.
DAILY MOVER earned for a 6-day streak!

Feb 16 at 01:54 PM



Feb 12 at 07:38 PM

Amanda Ghent uh oh. This one is on tap for me sat 😅


Feb 11 at 08:43 PM

👏🏼👏🏼 Reading the comments so I know what I am in for tomorrow morning. Nervous about the push-ups since I feel like 8 did a million today with chest day! 😅


Feb 11 at 08:01 AM

I never had any cycle symptoms I noticed my entire life (no awful cramps etc) until I hit 46!!! It is debilitating and the worst!!! 😭😭

Felt strong today...love push ups!!

Feb 04 at 04:37 PM

🥵🤬☠️ I think the first week fit test we (or at least I 😅) did bent over rows instead of reverse flies… But other than that, I went up in everything (also Id taken a few weeks off and been sick before week 1). Finished the first and third ladder. Wasnt even close w the second ladder.. Those earthworms kicked my ass!! 😅

Feb 02 at 02:54 PM

Thank you for this great info! Years ago I hired a macros coach. I hate weighing food, but I feel like everyone should do it at some point to really understand how off serving sizes like tablespoons and measurements are. Peanut butter was the biggest surprise and letdown ever! 😅😭 it is so easy to overeat when you don't weigh things!

Jan 28 at 05:39 PM

That was a doozy! Immediately regretted using the heavier band at the end 😅

Jan 26 at 04:21 PM

Such a great change of pace. I invited a friend over for this one. I have been trying to get her on board with more movement etc., so I hope this might've sparked something. 😊

Jan 26 at 11:11 AM

Go Chiefs!! I go to Arrowhead w my mom and sister once/year...the best!!