Tabitha Hook

Michigan, ND, United States


Jan 12 at 05:11 AM

Yup push day has me feeling like jello! Not sure I’ll feel my arms the next few days. When we did the tricep stretch behind our head seriously had to swing my arm up wasn’t sure it would make it 😅



Jan 10 at 06:37 PM

Great mini session! Loved that you gave all 4 levels in the demo!



Jan 07 at 10:24 AM

Fridays session amazing! And was so excited to workout this morning. Just picked up more weights. 20s and 35s! Stocked to add these to my weight collection. Now my husband says I need a weight rack 😆 🤣



Jan 05 at 11:20 AM

Did Wednesdays live this morning! Getting back to ludicrous mode but this session was fun!



Jan 04 at 08:20 PM

My goal this level up challenge is to workout 6 days a week rest one day. Typically NY rest day is Sunday. I also know life happens. Today work was crazy had long meetings didn't get the work done needed to took work home to finish. Which is fine. I choose today to be my rest day so I could also fit in family time. Trying to do my workouts in the AM that doesn't always workout. Here is to staying on track but also going with the flow knowing that is ok too! Thought I'd share incase it will help anyone else!



Jan 03 at 06:50 PM

Completed today's mini session kicked my butt but felt good to challenge myself push myself!



Dec 13 at 08:27 AM

I am completing athlete maker sessions again. Love this program. Omg my 🍑 legs and abs are so sore such a great way! Hope you all have a great day!