Kathleen Hosmer

Winston-Salem, NC, United States

Commented on Back

Apr 25 at 07:16 AM

When in doubt you can always pick up the heavier weights and if you can only get in a few reps you can drop down to a lighter weight, but you'll know that you found the right weight for you then. You're always crushing it woman!

Apr 21 at 06:28 PM

That husband of yours chiming in with a darn nice idea.

Commented on The little things

Apr 21 at 06:26 PM

Jennifer, good for you giving yourself grace on being a little behind. I too will probably get behind next week while visiting my sister with only bands available. I know I will catch up in time. No worries, you do you woman! 😊


Apr 20 at 12:34 PM

Just did the Wednesday chest/shoulders session and well, I'm not sure I'm going to be able to move my chest tomorrow...Jenny, it may be another it kinda hurts to rub my hands together to wash them sort of workout ;)  But I am seriously loving that this particular Week#1 is already challenging from the very first workout.  Really enjoyed the boxing that pairs nicely with my Rockbox classes that I throw in each week too.  Will definitely come back to that one as a finisher.  

I'd also like to shout out any newbies here...this is probably the toughest week#1 Jenny has done for any program.  So, don't get discouraged if you feel like you are struggling at all.  Hang in there, go at your pace and do what challenges you.  It isn't about anyone else but you.  By the end of 8 weeks you will be really surprised at how much more agile and strong you will feel.  :)  That's a promise.  



Apr 11 at 11:38 AM

If anyone is looking for a great cardio agility sweat, go back and do Just Shred.  Bodyweight only, great sweat.  Can do this one anywhere.  



Mar 17 at 02:47 PM

Really loved this session! I despise renegade rows because they usually bother my wrists but today I was able to get through them with a moderately heavy weight--winning :) Put this one in my favorites to come back to later for that great full body burn that built strength and kept my heart rate up.  

Commented on What the Frogger

Mar 16 at 11:24 AM

Ok, so those froggers have my glute-ham tie-in area so sore, trying to do those sit-outs today from last night's back session-I was so not as graceful as normal, totally on the struggle bus.  Glad to know they were effective and all, but seriously...I'm good on the froggers for this week...

Mar 03 at 12:52 PM

Captain Tabitha--you're always killing it woman!  


Mar 02 at 02:39 PM

If anyone is interested in a great sweat, definitely do this one.  I have used this one a number of times while traveling because it is a bodyweight only session. Here's my moment to share progress as well...it's been a while (maybe 6 or 8 months?) since I last did it.  This morning I never had to stop on the power planks.  Before I would always hit a point where I needed to stop and rest before the 30 seconds was up, and today I did all the sets without stopping and rebounding from plank to pike the whole time!  Like Jenny says in this one, this exercise is the hardest one for me.  I was so excited that this seemed much easier than I had remembered (easy being relative, not eeaassyyy, but easier than before).  Still a great shred, I was drenched at the end of the session.  This was great to show progress for me and so much fun to do!  Highly recommend it for this week!  Wanted to share so that others can realize that you will see progress if you are consistent, I promise!  



Feb 24 at 09:51 PM

Fully expecting that my back will feel like my chest did (and still does a little bit) this weekend...lovin' it! Keep lifting heavy ladies, it is so worth it! Hitting failure is a huge success 🙌 Have a great weekend y'all! 😁