Christine Bush Roman

Johns Island, SC, United States

Mar 13 at 01:36 PM

Annie Glad I’m not the only one!


Mar 13 at 08:40 AM


I’m earning some calluses from The Grind! It’s crazy because I’ve been lifting with Get Salty for like a year and a half but never got calluses until now. I guess my weights are finally heavy enough. That’s one way to measure progress!

Mar 12 at 08:15 PM



Feb 28 at 06:56 PM

I did not want to workout this morning. Like, REALLY didn’t want to do it. Is that why it felt so challenging? Or was this morning’s workout just really that hard?!

Feb 07 at 08:35 PM

Kathleen Hosmer Thank you so much for taking the time to share so much detail about eveything you researched and purchased. I really appreciate it! I may message you if I have more questions!!

Feb 07 at 01:03 PM

I really liked the addition of repeating the warmup in today’s workout (chest/shoulders week 6.) I’m craving some longer workouts, Jenny! Sorry- y’all can send me hate mail if needed.

Feb 07 at 10:55 AM

Share what you bought! I need to go up soon and I can’t decide what to buy.

Jan 29 at 08:23 AM

Good grief she is so dang cute!


Jan 29 at 08:07 AM

Jenny Fisher dammit! I had trouble getting connected for the first couple minutes so I must have just missed her! I’ll have to go back and watch. 🐾🐾🐾❤️

Jan 29 at 07:23 AM

Jenny Fisher what kind of monster are you??? Just show us the puppy already! 🤣