Trace Kennedy

Jun 09 at 04:40 PM

Asher is so good at selfies!


Jun 09 at 04:39 PM

Way to kick it back into gear! Labs are the best!

Jun 09 at 04:38 PM

They definitely wouldn’t be the one exercise I would pick if I could only pick one!

Jun 09 at 04:37 PM

That was glorious!

Jun 07 at 01:33 PM

Definitely a hot mess after Friday’s total body. I failed in the final three minutes and only got through about a minute and forty seconds, before my body said that I was done. Walked all three dogs earlier to get them in before the heat, but Texas heat starts early, and the 80 minutes of walking completely gassed me. Should have rested longer, but am getting on the road soon to spend the day and night with my best friend. Had to get this all in beforehand. Have a great weekend. I may be doing tomorrow’s workout on Sunday!


Jun 06 at 04:25 PM

Looked at today’s mini-session and saw that it was a yoga-ish flow session, and I actually was like, YES! Who the fluff am I???? In the not too distant past, I would have skipped it because yoga has never really been my thing, but after consistently adding it to my fitness program in the last year, it’s amazing that now I look forward to it! I remember this session and doing it at my parent’s house in my bedroom. I remember thinking how long it was and how hard it was. Today it was like salve to my mind and body, and I couldn’t believe how fast it went. Progress in this Beach Shred is showing itself in so many cool ways!

Jun 05 at 09:19 PM

You got your glow on!!

Jun 05 at 09:18 PM

You know that mini cardio session is ROUGH when you decide to skip it and spend an hour and a half walking seven miles instead!

Jun 05 at 09:16 PM

Erika Sanchez I had to skip it this week. Couldn’t bring myself to do it. I’ll visit it another day! I did walk 7 miles yesterday though so still got some cardio in!

Jun 05 at 09:15 PM