Trace Kennedy

Apr 16 at 06:37 PM

Always a favorite!!

Apr 14 at 02:50 PM

Absolutely loved this format. Parts of it about killed me, but loved the short flows followed by the cardio interval! Would love to see more of these. Thank you for such an amazing week of challenging sessions, for both my mind and my body. For the record, it is very hard to focus on anything but your sessions when I’m doing them. One of the things I love most about them! They keep me completely dialed in to what my body needs to be doing! Have an absolute blast at the retreat! Praying for safety, great weather, empowerment, and connection! 🫶🏻

Apr 13 at 04:48 PM

I liked the benefits of that session. That is all 😄


Apr 13 at 04:47 PM

Longest short session I have ever done!

Apr 13 at 04:46 PM

I can honestly say my hip hop was seriously lacking in the hip and the hop, but I was spent and sweaty at the end of it!

Apr 13 at 04:45 PM

Oh, Tessa! What a stressful week for you! So grateful your precious boy is home, and praying that you are getting some much needed rest. Thanking Jesus with you that he is feeling good. Praying you will tangibly feel God’s presence and peace as you recover from such a tough week!💗


Replied on SALTY 7: LEG DAY

Apr 13 at 04:43 PM

Cissy I decided many sessions ago, I absolutely hate those so I always sub in something that I know will benefit a leg session. 😁


Commented on SALTY 7: LEG DAY

Apr 13 at 04:41 PM

FI-uHHH!!🔥 That leg session did not in any way disappoint! Was afraid I wasn’t going to get it in today due to an unexpected vet visit with a sick pup. The almost 10-month old lab - aka, four-legged dumpster - got into something that was causing extreme distress from both ends, unable to eat, and blood showing up where it doesn’t belong. God is good, and my vet amazing! Fortunately no pancreatitis but it could have gone south quickly if left untreated. Fluids, antivomiting injection, GI-friendly food, antibiotics, and anti-nausea tablets, and three hours later, back home with a dog who is already feeling much better. Sobbing closet moments have been frequent these past few weeks. My old girl is in her final season and we are keeping her comfortable. Most likely liver cancer. Felt good to come out here and just lay it all on the mat. Anyone else think how the skanky legs from the cardio hip hop got you totally prepared for that first strength interval?? I have LOVED this Salty Seven!

Apr 12 at 07:34 PM

Oh Wow! I should have fueled up a little more for this salt blaster! CardiB and Jenny absolutely wore my @$$ OUT!! So fun and loved the format. And yes, my dance moves looked just as smoking sexy as yours! 🤣🤦🏼‍♀️ hashtag goalz! 🌶️💃

Apr 11 at 07:30 PM

Whew!!😅 That one had me sucking wind - especially on the sit outs/donkey kicks. Jump roped the first minute but then the next two, I had to jog in place… until you said, come on pick up your rope if you haven’t been jumping and just finishing the last 20 seconds. Thought I can do anything for 20 seconds. Amazing what some motivational coaching can do for your mindset. Thank you for always pushing us outside of what we think we can do and proving that we truly are capable of so much more. Also hit a personal best weight wise on the snatches. Never dreamed I could do that amount of weight but did it all three rounds. Feeling accomplished!🫶🏻