Trace Kennedy


Feb 10 at 06:14 PM

Y’all I had zero motivation today. It has been a tough week with some really hard hits for some people in my inner circle and community. Super heavy week, and by week’s end, just ready to curl up on the couch and escape in a book. But God kept at it, and I could feel this community and the accountability that comes with it. Now I’m salty, calm, and ready to be an encourager. Did slice and dice in week 2 of cardio + core and did not know I needed yoga-ish until I did it. Hope all of you go into your weekend feeling blessed and grateful - Every one of you is a masterpiece of God. Rest in that truth in whatever way you may need it! 💕



Feb 07 at 02:27 PM

Day 2 week 2 of cardio+core and oh my salty word!! I am drenched in sweat and having to leave to go to a meeting. Had to stop before the last core round (um…..didn’t we do core during the entire HIIT part??!!). Will try and get those last ten minutes in later this afternoon. This was a PERFECT workout after yesterday’s back and core. Loved that I didn’t have to lift an entire weight and in total agreement about the power planks (in my vernacular, floggers). Keeled me! Did this in my office so it felt like I was still working…… counts, right?? 😜



Feb 05 at 02:08 PM

While waiting for the next challenge, I’m going to focus on cardio+core this next week. Started at week 2 (because I’m an overachiever - I admit it). Love it and was just what I needed today. Thanks for the Pilates shout out at the end. I have cancelled my membership to my studio so love being able to get some in at home! Y’all have a great week!



Jan 30 at 05:56 PM

Oh My Lawd!!! My language got a little salty in this workout. Opting for total body workouts this week and gave this one a try. LOVED! But I am a hot sweaty mess despite the winter storm Dallas is experiencing. My golden retriever even got in on the action when he saw Sam on the screen. He watches more tv than any kid I know! Off to walk him and burn brown fat in subpar temps! Great way to finish out my Monday! 🙌🏻



Jan 27 at 05:05 PM

Didn’t even realize today was the last day of the challenge! Wow, four weeks went fast! Love this finale - great way to finish off an amazing New Year challenge. Will do the two mini sessions from this week tomorrow since I have been playing in DC all week, and will get the leg workout in from Monday this following Monday. Already looking forward to the next challenge! Thank you, Jenny for pushing us, encouraging us, and getting us salty AF!! You are a QUEEN! ❤️



Jan 25 at 09:10 AM

My daughter and I got up and headed to the hotel gym before starting our day celebrating her 25 bday (today!). We walked 10.6 miles yesterday touring the DC area so I was grateful todays workout was upper body. Currently sitting in a sauna getting the rest of my salt out of my shaker! Great start to this amazing day! Blessed! ❤️



Jan 22 at 03:40 PM

Just finished today’s back and leg workout and felt like a different athlete today! Was so intimidated by the plank jacks with rows but freaking nailed it.🎉🎉 And then I heard Jenny say my name followed by, You’re crushing it,” and I was like FLUFF YEAH I AM! Could not care less if you were talking about another Trace 😂😂 Thanks for the burst of motivation and a great start to this new week. His mercies are indeed new every morning! ❤️



Jan 21 at 03:30 PM

Grateful to be through this week. One of those where ya get beat up spiritually, physically and mentally. Did Monday’s work out and felt great. Between work and life, the rest of the week not so much. Walked into today thinking I would do Wednesday’s workout and then tomorrow Friday’s workout, but after looking at them just didn’t have the energy or motivation to focus on specific body parts. Opted for the Saturday total body and then thought the 20 minute yogish would be a great finisher. Y’all! That 💩💩 was HARD! Mobility definitely is my weak link and I will use that workout to mark my progress in that area.

I have gone back and forth this week giving my self grace and beating myself up. I’ve been a fitness enthusiast for a long time and a trainer for 15 plus years up until a few years ago. What I’ve noticed is when people with that “title” experience negative head space they are almost always shot down with comments like, “what do you have to be frustrated about you look great…” words and statements like that. So I have learned to internalize it and just hold it to myself. This past week, everything just kind of assaulted me all at the same time and the reality of internal coping is that it is a lousy way to cope. If anything good came out of that week, it was realizing that. Thanks for letting me vent and for being a safe place to share and be understood. 💕💕



Jan 16 at 01:29 PM

What a way to start the week! This workout touched on all my faves! First time in the challenge that I did all my pushups in full plank position. The rollout pushups….. LOVE!



Jan 14 at 05:38 PM

Finally got to the leg workout today, and wowza! Already feeling my glutes. Getting a pellet on Tuesday so will be out of pocket for about four days (can only walk) Will try and get some plank work in and tomorrow through Tuesday’s workouts in. Will be back at it on Saturday afternoon. I absolutely love this challenge, and the accountability definitely keeps me motivated to show up and get it done! Have a blessed weekend everyone!