Trace Kennedy

Sep 04 at 09:13 PM

There was nothing funny about this workout except how I looked when it was over! 😅

Sep 04 at 09:13 PM

Deidra Stansbury I am probably on my 27th pair of Brooks Ghost. I have tried others, including Hokas, but always come back to Ghosts!


Sep 04 at 09:11 PM

Annie I want your view! 😍


Sep 04 at 09:10 PM

Isn’t it crazy how that happens?? Great work for turning it on, and so glad you feel better. Hope tomorrow’s work day isn’t as stressful!


Sep 04 at 06:31 PM

Sorry not sorry if you did in fact miss a section of the push workout today! 🤣 That was intense, despite not seeming intense when you were talking about it. The pendulum chest press - holy chesticles!! Opted not to stay for the HIIT - trying to cut back just a bit until back is in full swing! I actually loved this workout, especially the handstands at the end! Great finisher!

Sep 02 at 06:12 PM

Leg session week five done! Did low impact and reduced weight to focus on form and to give my back a break. It’s a bit wonky the past few days. Great information on creatin and supplements in general. I have gone through seasons of taking lots of supplements and seasons of not. What I concluded I really don’t feel much difference either way, so I now only take a few of the ones I actually need. Glad to have leg day behind me and hoping for a more energetic few days than the last several!

Sep 01 at 04:17 PM

Week four complete! Anyone else feel like they were doing the rolling v-up, push up, pop jacks through tar? And my heart rate was still high! Those get me every single time. Pretty sure I hit failure since I was peeling myself off the mat at the end! Look forward to doing that one again and seeing where I can make improvements!

Aug 31 at 05:49 PM

Every part of me is sore today. Even walking the dogs was a challenge today, so I am opting to rest and do the HIIT session tomorrow when I have more energy and less physical fatigue. Realizing the older I get, the more space between intense workouts I need. Honoring and embracing it so I can keep doing this for years to come!

Aug 31 at 03:33 PM

Praying this setback will be the beginning of a long term solution for you Marte!


Aug 30 at 08:55 PM

Sara Jurek you are so right!! Definitely feel a bit weathered after a salty session!! Fountain of youth for sure!!
