Trace Kennedy

Mar 04 at 09:53 PM

Woot woot!! Welcome Tressie!! We are so glad you are here! 🩵

Mar 04 at 09:53 PM

Matty Toten you will feel it for a few days! 😁😅

Mar 04 at 09:52 PM

You have conquered a big part of the darkness by stepping into the mat and getting some self care in! Grace is our friend in these circumstances, and I can I also say, love that you are aware of when the darkness creeps in so you can address it. That’s totally an athletic mindset! 🫶🏻🌟👊🏻

Here for you! 🩵


Mar 04 at 09:48 PM

Her full body sessions sneak up on ya!!!


Mar 04 at 02:28 PM

Back session at lunch today. No way I could have knocked that out last night. Hams and Hiney - no more words necessary. Loved this session today, even though my salt makers looked like I was in week 1!

Mar 03 at 02:26 PM

Legs are absolute toast, but now that it’s over, I feel like a total baddie - even though I didn’t do the knee popups : ) This session hit me like that yoga session at the retreat last year and found myself weepy at the end of it - not because I was almost dying, but because I felt completely alive. Hard to explain, maybe just an overflow of endorphins, maybe what you were saying about our fitness journey and how that looks different in every season. Ups and downs, highs and lows, feeling like a badass and like a sorryass, confident in my strength and insecure about my weaknesses, weeks of hitting all my goals and weeks where grace needs to be extended. All of it - every bit of it is why I keep showing up for myself and making this community both my support and accountability. If I can walk this evening, I’m gonna try and show up for the live. Cardio Hip Hop can wait till tomorrow!


Mar 02 at 04:34 PM

I am late to the party this week so just got Wednesday’s chest session done. Probably the hardest one for me to date. I had to laugh when you said “if you can modify up” on the second AMRAP for the two minute round. My “modifying up” was simply not throwing in the towel and quitting, LOL!! After a really really long week, my body needed this today. Will try to get the leg session in tomorrow and maybe even the cardio hip hop if I have anything left in the gas tank! Seriously great session!! I wish there were an emoji of a person lying dead on a mat - that is a perfect emoji for me right now.

Feb 29 at 05:08 PM

It was my favorite too!


Feb 27 at 12:47 PM

Today’s mini-strength session was a great mid-morning break in my day. Added some stability ball hamstring bridges and curlers at the end to burn out the glutes. Didn’t take a lot…. After yesterday and these today’s two exercises, butt and legs are tired! But in a good way! Love getting this done early. Will try and do Sunday’s stretching later this evening. Have a great day squad!


Feb 26 at 09:48 PM

Love that your whole family is getting involved in the gym routine! My husband went to the gym today foe the first time since 2018. He has done stuff off and on at home but hasn’t been consistent in a long time. Praying he gets his groove back because it used to mean so much to him. Praying for Captain Hook every time I pray for my hubby! 🫶🏻
