Trace Kennedy

Feb 03 at 01:12 PM

Leg session - absolute FIRE!🔥 When you said at the end during the band portion, “This is about to get real,” I thought, “Sorry girl… my real got real about twenty minutes ago!” I haven’t cried out for my mama in a really really long time, but there I was crying out for her! LOVED this session! Will definitely revisit!

Feb 02 at 03:11 PM

I hate being behind & hate missing one of the workouts. After needing a rest yesterday, I decided to do the push session followed by the Mandy’s session. I skipped through the warmup of the second session since I was already very warm! DOOZY! I will probably have to get the hip hop in tomorrow unless I get a second wind and feel my country groove coming on. I have to brag a little bit… My daughter came over and said when she went to her fit class this week, the instructor who is also the owner, and was the instructor when I went with my daughter to celebrate her bday, told the class that “Lauren’s mom came last week and killed the class. She was literally the strongest one in the class. Y’all! This was Lauren’s M.O.M!! She looked like a freaking athlete!” I started crying when Lauren told me. Hearing it from someone who isn’t part of this community and doesn’t know how we train, and can only assess based on performance. WOW… Grateful for all of you and what Jenny is building here! 💕

Feb 02 at 01:00 PM

Oh Kim that is such awful news! Praying for Samuel and all those who love him. Praying for and effective treatment plan, complete eradication of the cancer, and God’s peace and presence as he walks this road.


Jan 31 at 08:44 PM

That happened to me the last time I tried to download, but that was a month or so ago. Not sure if it’s still an issue

Jan 31 at 08:44 PM

Your back and booty…. Literal 🔥

Jan 31 at 08:43 PM

I’ve been right there with your puppy lately! Walking the dogs has been glorious this week!!

Jan 31 at 08:42 PM


Jan 31 at 08:41 PM

Jessica, I’ll gladly join you in praying for your furbaby - for the best answers and effective treatment plan, for patience as you heal, and for God’s perfect peace as you wait for those answers. 💗

Jan 31 at 08:36 PM

That gets me both excited and nervous - LOL!


Jan 31 at 08:35 PM

Marissa Ragland Feeling the wreckage today!!!