Trace Kennedy

Jan 22 at 04:16 PM

Annie pretty sure if you were like me in that session, you could have melted snow with all your salt!


Jan 22 at 04:15 PM

Jenny Fisher we are even then because you killed me today!!


Jan 22 at 02:09 PM

Hello Monday! Who knew I would drop the F-bomb 9 times today - all in one sentence and all at the very last part of the session. I agree with your self-assessment in that last “grind it out” 90 seconds….. Feeling blessed that I got through it and it’s over. I’ll feel blessed by you sometime later today. This girl is salty even in 39 degree weather training outside on my porch! 🧂😅

Commented on THE GRIND W2: STRETCH

Jan 21 at 03:50 PM

Legs needed this stretch after week 3!! Off to walk and may hit week 3’s stretch session!


Jan 20 at 02:45 PM

These workouts just keep getting better and better, and my body continues to be challenged but also is responding with more and more tenacity and “can do” attitude! LOVE grinding it out with all of you amazing athletes. My almost 26-year old daughter is here today and walked by right as Jenny Fisher said my name, and Lauren said, “Oh my gosh, can she see you??!!” 😂 Seriously wanted to say yes - the newest in app technology, but I am a reformed liar so can only speak truth. Speaking of which anyone else when in the plank position and doing the leg raises feel like your legs weighed 100 pounds?? You know it was a hard leg workout when even the planks are difficult! 🧂🤣

Jan 20 at 01:50 PM

Wow!! Way to rehab well!


Jan 20 at 01:49 PM

Best way to get “back at it” 😉 Glad you are feeling better!! 💗

Jan 19 at 06:44 PM

sherry loftis Only in the privacy of my bedroom girl! I didn’t even want my husband watching me!

Jan 19 at 06:02 PM

Kathleen Hosmer not that attached to it….. what a great expression that I will have to borrow!


Jan 19 at 06:00 PM

You are a BADASS!!