Erika Sanchez

Austin, TX, United States

Aug 24 at 04:05 PM

Enjoy your PTO!!


Aug 24 at 04:05 PM

Love your words of wisdom, always! ❤️


Aug 23 at 07:16 PM

Just finished it so maybe 🤷🏻‍♀️


Aug 23 at 04:45 PM

Not sure what happened today, but I was gassed with todays session. Had to go down in weights to finish. 😮🥵

Aug 23 at 03:38 PM

I am always looking for new podcasts, so thank you for the recommendation!

Aug 23 at 12:01 PM

I echo Annie's advice: Get better and take it easy! I know sometimes it’s hard, but keep reminding yourself that it’s okay to slow down to give your body the energy to heal.


Aug 21 at 09:22 PM


My days at the office mean I take the stairs to the 4th floor and use my treadmill desk for at least 2 to 3 miles. I add my training session during lunch, or if it’s a heavy-weight training day, I will complete it right after work. It’s not always perfect, but I am consistent. The goal, as Jenny says, is daily movement, and this is how I manage to get my steps while working!

Aug 21 at 09:09 PM

I can completely validate the inability to use your body by the end of the week! 😂😅


Aug 21 at 09:08 PM

Yeah… that’s it! 🫣


Aug 20 at 10:46 PM

🤣🤣 oh I know what you mean!!