
Mar 15 at 01:29 PM

I am with you Sara Jurek and Trace Kenned….. I have adored this series! I love the cross training, the grinding, all of it! My gratitude meter for Jenny Fisher is off the charts. Stay Salty!


Mar 13 at 01:47 PM

Badass session! Failure is for winners

Mar 13 at 12:15 PM

I am so glad someone else has developed these! Way to go Christine!


Mar 09 at 11:30 AM

The GRIND! Holy smokes…..this series rocks. So salty this morning. Nate cursed, I couldn’t because I was just trying to finish the weighted surrenders. Jenny, you push us all in the best possible way. I watched your yoga moves and I must admit, it’s so impressive to see someone so advanced and strong leading us all. Have a great Saturday everyone. By noon today I will be unable to walk.

Mar 09 at 11:27 AM

You’ll be more sore in two or three days. 🥴💪🏻


Mar 08 at 01:09 PM

I LOVED this! So fun and salty!

Mar 06 at 05:34 PM

I am LOVING this third trimester! It’s so dang hard in the very best way.


Mar 05 at 02:11 PM

I thought to myself as I did those Salt Makers, “ouch, ouch, ouch! How the heck did Jenny do two sessions today before leaving for work travel?”🥵💪🏻


Mar 05 at 02:09 PM

I just did week 8 Total Body and loved the salt out of it.


Mar 02 at 06:02 PM

Jenny, when the Grind is complete, go take three months off. I think I need to do it again 🥵💪🏻