
Jan 23 at 07:40 PM

Thanks for the call and tips! Sorry I had to jump off early!!

Jan 23 at 05:44 PM

I can’t get the link to open

Jan 09 at 03:02 PM

Thanks for all the call outs! Melissa Miller and I got our Monday morning off on the right start!!

Dec 30 at 01:47 PM

This something else to consider,

I invested in one a year ago, with so many jumps and HIIT moves it has saved my knees and back!

Dec 29 at 08:00 AM

Love those woodchoppers!! See ya on the happy hours!

Commented on MVP: W2 ANIMAL HIIT

Nov 11 at 07:47 AM

I’m revisiting this series, forgot how much I loved these animal moves!!


Oct 06 at 06:41 AM

Great finale!

Commented on MVP: W7 BACK & Bis

Sep 27 at 06:45 PM

Even two incomes with only two kids when to the Chinese Buffett!! 😂😂

Commented on MVP: W6 LEG DAY

Sep 18 at 07:50 PM

I’m a week behind so I can do everything in the morning - damn this was a good workout!!!

Commented on BTS: BACK & CORE

Sep 10 at 11:33 AM

I don’t think I did this during BTS, so hard yet so good!!