Tessa Potgeter

Allendale, MI, United States

Replied on THE MVP CHAT

Aug 22 at 03:00 PM

Commented on THE MVP CHAT

Aug 21 at 06:14 PM


Band at the end 🥵I was done

Replied on THE MVP CHAT

Aug 21 at 01:41 PM

How exciting! I hope you have an amazing time Natalie ❤️

Commented on THE MVP CHAT

Aug 20 at 11:03 AM


Beautiful day for a hike through the woods and dunes to Lake Michigan with the family this morning and representing Get Salty! Ready to start week three of MVP.

Aug 19 at 06:27 PM

Ugh, looking at these pics reminds me of the amazing time we had 🥹🥰


Commented on THE MVP CHAT

Aug 19 at 05:18 PM

Just finished Wednesdays back and biceps! Those biceps sucked 🤣

Aug 19 at 05:01 PM

Loved this!

Commented on THE MVP CHAT

Aug 18 at 06:51 PM

I'm behind this week! But did Mondays workout today and plan to do Wednesday and Friday the next two days. I loved the leg workout! I need to get back on track and I am glad to have this group to help me do that 😊

Commented on Back to School

Aug 14 at 08:47 PM

You can take a day off. Especially the first day back to school. I'll be right where you are in two weeks. Just get through this week! You got this!


Replied on THE MVP CHAT

Aug 14 at 05:40 PM

Weather is mainly the culprit for me. The change in pressure. I will monitor the other things and see if it helps. Thanks 😊