Sandy Still

Commented on Made it

Sep 03 at 06:22 PM

Awesome job!!! Way to stick with it!💪🏻



Sep 02 at 05:40 PM

Y’all 🤣

My husband just showed me a video from his workout app of a new move he did today.

They were saltmakers! I felt so strong and proud being like “oh yeh. I did those yesterday. They are saltmakers duh 💪🏻”

Hope y’all have a good long weekend!


Sep 01 at 08:35 AM

Finished week 3 today! Finally nailed full sit outs 🙌🏻


Replied on THE MVP CHAT

Aug 31 at 09:37 PM

Haha seriously they were a killer at the end! 🔥



Aug 26 at 12:09 PM

Just finished week 3 leg day. Not sure I’ll be able to move tomorrow 😅🥵

Frankensteins and giving birth moves were a hoot and super fun!


Aug 26 at 12:06 PM

Omg I was dying 🤣🤣🤣

Commented on MVP: W2 ANIMAL HIIT

Aug 26 at 10:11 AM

Started this one with a headache. Listened in my mind to Jenny’s sermon from an earlier session “I have a headache but I always feel better if I workout “ - and sure ‘nuff my headache was gone after the session! I got thru 3 Amraps - 💪🏻proud! Loved the option for Arnold presses to build strength even tho I’m doing cardio track .

Commented on 5 for 5!!

Aug 26 at 10:05 AM

Way to go!!! Guess that means I have salt makers to look forward to in week 3!!

Aug 20 at 01:02 PM

Loved this! Took a week off because of work obligations - back at it today with this one. I think my favorite were the ⛳️ golf swings. 💪🏻💪🏻

Commented on MVP: W1 FULL BODY HIIT

Aug 12 at 12:36 PM

🥳 Never would have thought I’d be so excited to hear “every Friday is HIIT”! I think the learn and burn series changed my body in such a positive way that now I’m craving HIIT 💪🏻💪🏻