Sandy Still

Commented on THE MVP CHAT

Aug 11 at 08:36 AM

Y’all one of the reasons I love Jenny’s sessions are because today my LEGS and CORE are sore after doing Wednesday’s CHEST workout last night. She’s sneaky like that and it’ll get ya in the best way! 💯 effective workouts!

Commented on MVP on hold

Aug 11 at 08:34 AM

Feel better and rest so you can come back ready to go!


Replied on THE MVP CHAT

Aug 11 at 08:32 AM

Dang you go girl! 🙌🙌


Commented on Hello!

Aug 10 at 09:58 PM

Welcome Karen! You’re getting salty already! 💪🏻💪🏻


Commented on Reset

Aug 01 at 07:32 AM

It’s ok to rest and feed your muscles what they ask for in order to keep going! Stretching and swimming sounds like the perfect athlete-wise way to stay fit. 😄💪🏻💪🏻

Jul 28 at 10:33 AM

Flurpies 😂

Love it!

Jul 23 at 03:01 PM

This was a great session especially after a 9hour car ride yesterday. Loved the yogish flow at the end!

Jul 23 at 02:59 PM

Way to go!

Commented on Votes needed…

Jul 19 at 06:04 PM

I like 8!


Jul 12 at 07:45 PM

Way to go!!
