Sandy Still

Commented on Beach Shred 2023

May 26 at 11:55 AM

I’m in the middle of Week 5. My back is super tight. But in the most amazing way! Not a negative feel. More like muscle is building. Can’t wait for the back yoga session later today. 💪🏻🧘🏻‍♀️

Replied on Beach Shred 2023

May 26 at 08:38 AM

Being sick is the worst for what it does to our workout routines! I hope you feel better and can get back at it soon! I’m a bit stiff and sore - looking forward to the yogish flow today.

Commented on WEEK 4: THE 1%

May 22 at 09:09 AM

Loved the message at the end of this one! Working HARD to stay motivated and keep at it after being sick. Jenny’s motivating messages are gentle yet effective! They keep me coming back with consistency 💪🏻

Commented on WEEK 4: LEG STRETCH

May 21 at 10:07 PM

This felt great!

Commented on WEEK 3: MAKING SALT

May 15 at 06:58 PM

First day back training! (Thanks COVID for the unplanned break 🙄). This was a good one to ease back in. Had a little bit of everything to open up my joints and muscles again!

Replied on Beach Shred 2023

May 09 at 08:10 PM

Great advice Trace- thank you!

Replied on Beach Shred 2023

May 09 at 06:23 PM

Has anyone done an IV drip bar for recovery and energy? Considering it for when quarantine is over to get in those vitamins and recover quicker!

Commented on Beach Shred 2023

May 09 at 10:37 AM

Yall I have COVID 😭. What do you recommend for getting back on track once I heal? I had 1 session left in week 3 before I got knocked down with COVID. Slow walks then repeat week 3 at beginner / low impact? I am not good at slowing down but don’t want to get injured either.
Lol I don’t usually have foul language during workouts but I did yesterday during the Wednesday leg session😅😂

May 06 at 05:25 PM

Amazing🙌 I was trying to figure out where to buy some!