Kathleen Hosmer

Winston-Salem, NC, United States

Feb 28 at 08:07 PM

It was that challenging sister, several of us have commented on how our shoulders are essentially non-functional now 😆


Feb 28 at 09:59 AM

Jenny, you found the new devil's sets on this chest session🔥🔥🔥My shoulders are toasted...and funny thing about this series, I have never cussed at you before until this last week. When you said we had one more thing, I said some very not nice things, but I still love you.  ❤️❤️❤️ I am definitely feeling all the strength gains in 2024. Go get it salt squad!

Feb 27 at 08:29 PM

Will need to miss, have a friend visiting that night.


Feb 27 at 08:27 PM

Sometimes you just have to get started even when you don't feel like it knowing you will be glad you did, strong work!

Feb 26 at 03:17 PM

Oh my forearms after today's back workout and pushing the weights... dreading tomorrow for my arms. Envision T rex arms unable to do anything 😆

Feb 24 at 11:12 AM

Definitely a rarity in Michigan in February, sunshine isn't much of a thing either...hope you did your best to enjoy it!


Feb 20 at 04:51 PM

I just feel like I need to share this and here is the best place to do it. I'm a 6 day a week training person because I love to train, it's my happy place. But recently I've noticed more days (I think related to perimenopause hormone changes) that I just don't have the same "I'm gonna kill this energy". I've had to have some grace with myself and listen to what movement will work those days and save the HIIT sessions for another day. Sometimes it means I have to change my training plans for the week (I'm type A so easier said than done). That said I'm listening to my body and it's working so much better as I accept these little adjustments. Like today instead of more cardio I did some yoga after the back session. So glad I did. Just wanted to share to remind others it's ok to adjust as you need and you can still get movement in.

Feb 20 at 04:45 PM

I know right?! I have to see what we are doing before I can pick my weight...the benefit of typically doing the sessions later. I can pause and get my weights set up. 😆😁


Feb 13 at 03:17 PM

I really loved the fast pace of this one. Will definitely come back and try to increase my weights even more. So salty! ❤️❤️❤️🥵

Feb 12 at 07:24 PM

This one was a ton of fun. I did it after the back day session and it was a great finisher. I honestly thought after 3 minutes you were gonna have us do 2 minutes. I half thought about making my own last 2 minute session and then I quickly remembered my shoulders were already fully toasted 🥵😆