Trace Kennedy

May 24 at 04:16 PM

We are in the same decade Dawn, and I couldn’t agree more - from someone who knew exactly what you were talking about with romper room and magic garden. I work for those shout outs!!


May 24 at 04:15 PM

Definitely a salty one!

May 24 at 04:13 PM

You weren’t lying when you said the total body was a sweaty one!😅 Look like I just jumped in the pool! Jumping rope in between is hard because I train on my porch, so as we were warming up I caught my rower staring at me and begging me to incorporate her into the workout. Damn! That was werk! But I loved it. Will start doing that more. Hope all of you have a great long weekend! Happy Memorial Day!

May 23 at 05:51 PM

Core session today felt GOOD!


May 22 at 06:24 PM

I needed today’s back session more mentally than physically. Mind has been reset and my body like salty jello. Had to laugh when you said we could do a plank with leg lifts on that last exercise. I tried two and my glutes screamed, “OH HAIL NO!!” Butt is so sore from the last three sessions! I loved this session - hit all the right places, and the gorilla rows - awesome. Never have done those and I always enjoy learning a new exercise!

May 22 at 05:30 PM

Annie So glad I’m not the only over achiever in the group.😜

May 21 at 05:37 PM

Total body HIIT today was smoking! Being an overachiever - at least today - I decided to use my booty band during the first five exercises. Considered keeping it on the whole time until my soul left my body after the third round. That was just a fun quick and seriously sweaty session! This is a crunch week for me at work, so every time I can get out on the mat and expel some of my stress, makes me better able to come in to work strong and refreshed the next day. These sessions are definitely my lifeline right now!🩵

May 20 at 09:08 PM

Sneaky hard, right?!


May 20 at 09:07 PM

100 percent agree!


May 20 at 09:06 PM

Prayer pose had me like….. when she told us to go into downward dog, I just felt the need to pray a little more!
