Trace Kennedy

Mar 27 at 04:42 PM

I remember this was one of the first sessions I did after I was cleared to workout post surgery. It practically killed me, but today, it felt almost easy. Amazing what a difference a year can make!

Mar 27 at 04:04 PM

Still grinding through week 12 and hoping to finish soon! Thank you for all your hard work on this challenge. Has truly been my favorite to date!


Mar 24 at 06:25 PM

Week 11 back and biceps done. This workout helped me decide if I was going to let my hair air dry tonight or if I was going to blow it dry. Since I can hardly move my arms, looks like I’m air drying. I had to laugh when I was stretching my legs at the end of a back workout….😆 Dear Lord, I am S.O.R.E.!!! High and lifted up baby, High and lifted up!!


Mar 24 at 05:32 PM

Love that I have another sore few days to look forward to next week! 😅


Mar 24 at 05:31 PM

Way to show up for yourself and for your son Tessa! Those noroviruses…… NOT FUN!! Hope you are feeling 100 percent tomorrow!

Mar 23 at 08:34 PM

Jenny Fisher you had me at church!


Mar 23 at 08:32 PM

I can’t wait for this one!

Mar 23 at 04:25 PM

Annie I think the trick to liking them is to take a week off!😆 I absolutely loved that session! Bulgarian split squats and all!

Mar 23 at 04:23 PM

Way to take what your body needed today, Marte!


Mar 23 at 04:21 PM

My welcome back/come back party didn’t exactly start where I thought it was going to but it ended up being exactly where I needed to be and interestingly right where I left off. Thought I was doing today’s leg session but actually did week 11, and I’m so glad I didn’t miss it. LOVED it, and everything just felt good! I’ll step into week 11 back tomorrow and just move into week 12 on Tuesday. I know I won’t be completely caught up but will at least get in the big sessions before Easter. First week in April, I’ll go back and hit the sessions I missed throughout the grind just to not miss a single one since it truly is my favorite series to date! Here’s to being back, grinding it out! Great great joy!