Trace Kennedy

Feb 14 at 09:03 PM

Chest session today followed by yesterday’s challenge had me salty as a cow’s salt lick! (A Texas thing…🤠) My core is already sore and tomorrow I may not be able to feel my arms! Loved every minute of it - at least when it was done! Great way to celebrate Valentine’s Day by giving myself this gift of self love! A year ago today I found out I had cancer. A year later I am cancer free and stronger than ever, despite missing part of my right lung. God is GOOD and working out is a precious gift! 💝

Feb 14 at 08:59 PM

Fell better sweet girl! 🫶🏻🫶🏻


Feb 14 at 08:59 PM

This made me laugh out loud!🤣


Feb 14 at 08:58 PM

Best kind of vacation!!


Feb 14 at 06:38 PM

Add a tuck jump my ass! 😅😱

Feb 14 at 10:36 AM

Jenny Fisher super easy but came home to a gas leak and our gas cut off (are you starting a trend…?). Had to deal with that fallout so will get it done today - possibly as a finisher to the chest session.


Feb 13 at 06:04 PM

Back session down, todays challenge up next! At the vet to get my dogs eyes tested and will hit it when we get home!

Feb 10 at 04:21 PM

Leg session today was absolutely smoking!! 🔥 my legs were really sore after yesterday’s yoga session coupled with a five mile walk, so I wasn’t sure how today would go, but remarkably, they actually feel a ton better. Was able to go up in weight because they were available to me, which made the Bulgarian SS kind of awful but in that weird good way. I may not be able to walk tomorrow but well worth it! 🫶🏻🩵

Feb 10 at 04:06 PM

Absolute 🔥🔥🔥


Feb 10 at 09:57 AM

Would love to see all of you again!! 🩷🩷🩷
