Trace Kennedy

Jan 15 at 01:23 PM

That back and core session hit in all the right ways today! We are kind of iced/snowed in here in Dallas (I hear laughter from Tessa and Tabitha!), and cold weather and I just don’t get along all that well. But this session warmed me up and put me in a better frame of mind. On a completely different note, I grew up with Prince and always thought he was talking about a car. I definitely wasn’t a hippie, but I may have been a bit of a space cadet! Planning to do the mini cardio session in a bit since I have the day off and nothing else to do! Happy MLK day! Show someone some love in honor of him! Love all of you and love training with you one percenters!


Jan 15 at 09:20 AM

Always love to see your smile! Did Austin get the wintry mix Dallas did?


Jan 15 at 09:18 AM


This may look like child’s play to you Tessa but in Dallas, it is treacherous! We are at 14 degrees which would be a welcome relief for y’all. Man! I don’t know how you get through the winters! On top of the most embarrassing playoff game performance by the Cowboys and the day off, I hid under my covers until 8 this morning. I’ll be doing the back and core later today also! Try to stay warm!! 🩵🥶


Jan 15 at 09:12 AM

Depends on what part of the seventies! I was a freshman in high school in 1978-79. Being an army brat, my dad drilled into us the perils of drugs. I was terrified of all of them. I would have been a really wimpy hippie! 🤣🤣🤣


Jan 14 at 06:52 PM

Tabitha Hook you were my inspiration girl!!! 💖💖

Jan 14 at 06:44 PM

Got a 5+ mile walk in today in 18 degree weather. Having four big dogs who need to be exercised regularly makes me like the post office: rain, shine, sleet or snow, they have to get their walks in. And I’m the only family member willing to face the tundra (I’m in Dallas so it is tundra to us!)

Jan 14 at 06:41 PM

She definitely puts the fun in working out. Remember that on leg day of week 2…..


Jan 14 at 06:40 PM

Hope it is just a cold and you will wake up tomorrow feeling almost back to normal! 💖


Jan 13 at 06:27 PM

You know it’s a hard workout when you alternate between crying out to Jesus and cursing Jenny. I have to say in all the sessions I have done with you, this may have been the first where I didn’t laugh at your jokes, but glared at you while trying to feel my legs. Oh and then when it was done, thanking God for Jenny and feeling absolutely freaking accomplished. Grateful for this workout because now I can focus on my leg soreness instead of my complete and total upper body soreness! Happy birthday Jessica and Allie!! Hope you can celebrate with something other than an Epsom Salts bath! 🎂💕🌸

Jan 13 at 06:23 PM

The two in one is some SERIOUS burn! Way to knock them out! You will love the sevasana! The fact that I just typed that is a testament to Jenny not only helping us change our bodies but also our mindset about certain practice. (Signed a reformed yoga hater)