Marte Lind Bergsli

Oslo, Norway

Jul 14 at 04:31 AM

This was a though one!

Jul 13 at 03:51 AM

Great session, had to go down to my llightest DB for the two last emosjonelle dets!

Commented on L&B: Introduction

Jul 10 at 02:55 AM

Beautiful coach!

Jul 10 at 02:53 AM

Just came from vacation and saw this today! Congrats to all winners and me!


Commented on Beach Shred 2023

Jun 25 at 03:29 AM

Just want to share my celebration of finishing BS-23! This challenge got me over-all stronger and i dont know the exact Word but more athletic! I finally reach my push-up goal which i stuggled with for years! Im so happy and i got to tell a litle something. I was walking my dog last night after i finished the finale beach shred session. Then i passed a house where there lives a man i really dont like cus he says a lot to me as a woman that is behind what is ok. They had a party, so i got him times four-five and all of them shouting comments that are not ok! Over the eggde. I just walked by then i thought non of them would ever survive a beach shred session!!! Then i thought how much better and happy my body is that theirs❤️❤️❤️ Go Get Salty for making my self esteem and surviving the attack for those lazy men! Happy sunday!

Commented on CHEST & CORE SET

Jun 24 at 04:15 AM

Great finale!

I made til tru beach skshred—23. thank you Jenny for maling this & i love you all!

Replied on Beach Shred 2023

Jun 19 at 06:05 AM

Thanks Jenny! I just completed week 8 back & core then the EMOM😎 so happy to be back ❤️

Commented on Beach Shred 2023

Jun 19 at 03:32 AM

Congrats to everyone who finished Beach shred 2023! I was so unsure what to do since i had to travel the week after i completed week 7. i wanted to do it real good with all my gear so i decided to do a week of other sessions, like bodyweight or band only session but then forgot my mat and ended up with a week off- training! Been hiking and swimming, but today i’m home and ready to start week 8! Excited😎❤️

Jun 08 at 06:32 AM

I went for the daily walk with my dog, felt sore from week 7 monday and tuesday, so i thought for a second i’ll do a rest day, but no i did the 4X4😂 that was some leg day😁


Commented on WEEK 6: A-T-H-L-E-T-E

Jun 03 at 05:04 AM

We have karen jokes in norway too!