
Feb 07 at 05:03 PM

I was going to say the same thing Christine. I have been “craving “ more lately. (Only took me a year to get to this spot. Nate’s not quite at the same spot 😜). For anyone who made read this, squad….you’re kicking butt! Best group and ultimate trainer (plus Sammy and Dahlia) ever. Thank you everyone for showing up, pushing hard, and training with me.


Feb 06 at 01:52 PM

I diddo this! And yes, Alli Himes you’re inspiring me too💪🏻


Jan 28 at 07:06 AM

Also, this dietician has a great site and valuable recipes:


Jan 26 at 06:34 PM

Try the “How Not to Die” cookbook. Great, easy recipes. I will almost add some sort of easy protein source (fish, chicken, beef, or legumes). I often make in the winter a big pot of chili or soup from that book, freeze in individual bags and just thaw out when needed. The chili is so good! We often will add extra beans and lentils to ours. But it would equally be good with beef/shredded chicken.

As a side note, we’re in the same winter boat in Eastern Washington (close to Spokane). Snow, sleet, rain, fog, cold, and grey. Haven’t been able to go for a good walk (get my much needed steps in) for a while now. Only good thing…. I get so salty these days working out, it’s blissful to open the window. Lol.


Jan 24 at 06:45 PM

I here you. I am traveling tomorrow and I am wondering….am I going to be able to put my bag in the overhead bin?🤔💪🏻


Jan 23 at 07:52 AM

Everyone get a tan for me! I have heard it’s breathtaking.

Jan 22 at 07:20 PM

This breaks my heart. You, your family and your doggie will be in my prayers.


Jan 22 at 05:20 PM

Jan 22 at 05:19 PM

Jenny Fisher 👏🏻💪🏻

Jan 22 at 04:10 PM

I am so laughing right now. I opened my window all the way in 32 degrees with snow. I literally was shaking at the end. And all I kept thinking was “I hope someone else is feeling this way.” I was actually feeling quite blessed for the 32 degreees and snow, that’s how salty it was. Jenny, your killing it! Awesome work, hard, but awesome.
