
Oct 26 at 08:36 AM

I loved this one! In the beginning you said “I feel like I’m forgetting something.” It hit me half way through - no music! 😂

Oct 24 at 05:33 PM

Loved this! Shout out to my little sis to Jennifer Philpott 💪

Oct 17 at 08:32 AM

You are me and I am you! Grrrrreeeaaat session! Much needed, I’m in a bit of a pergatory - I pulled a hamstring/having hip issue and can’t run ☠️☠️ focusing on going heavy with the arm weights during this time.

Commented on Cardio Session 1

Oct 11 at 08:22 AM


Breakfast menu:

Fruit, toast and protein bar 😂


Commented on Cardio Session 1

Oct 11 at 08:21 AM


Yes, more is definitely caught than taught! Here is my 6y/o daughter’s check list for the day and breakfast menu😍 1. Food 2. Workout and like her mom enjoys an afternoon Power Nap 😉

Oct 11 at 06:35 AM

Welcome and congratulations on the new marriage! This is the best training ever. My friend and I have been following for 2 years now and have seen so many improvements in our stamina and muscle building. Plus, we haven’t gotten bored! Jenny keeps us entertained 😁


Oct 08 at 06:32 AM

Quick and sassy! Great one to return to!

Sep 14 at 07:58 AM

The shout out came just in time! 🙏

Sep 07 at 10:13 AM

When the old men at the hotel gym stop lifting and watch you punch then jump into a burpee you know it’s a good workout 🤣

Aug 31 at 08:29 AM

Loved the no-break cardio section!! 🔥 ready for the beach!