Angie Morrell

Hooper, UT, United States

May 06 at 11:03 AM

Great start to my favorite program! Thanks Jenny for the ques on booty work! Hope you get feeling better soon.

Apr 29 at 02:04 PM

Thanks Jenny! I get what you are saying and will try to “focus”. I feel like I use my butt with all those exercises and not my hammies. Practice makes perfect I suppose 🙂



Apr 28 at 10:57 PM

Jenny, I was wondering if you could give me some pointers on how to teach my brain how to focus on working my hamstrings. Like how you have done with the “bra fat area”. Your little thought tricks have really helped me work on that area and I could use the help with my hammies. Also, I hope you all had fun at the retreat- wish I could have been there!


Apr 14 at 05:28 PM

I loved this session! I was totally expecting a nice, somewhat relaxing, yoga experience - was pleasantly surprised. The cardio mix was perfect. Hearting this one for later. Thanks for always making it fun Jenny!

Mar 10 at 01:11 PM

I’m going to be sore tomorrow! Probably won’t be able to walk!

Feb 09 at 05:28 PM

Oh I like this post! I’m not from Texas but wish I was right now to get out of the cold. I’m in Utah, any other Utahns out there?


Feb 09 at 12:19 PM

This one really was a challenge. I set out to do advanced but couldn’t get it done in the timeframe. The first go around I paused it to finish. After that I just did what I could. Definitely humbling.

Feb 05 at 03:06 PM

I submitted mine and it got approved! Thank you Jenny!!

Feb 05 at 12:55 PM

Jenny Fisher me too! I do Just Shred when I’m home and need a good quick cardio burn!


Feb 05 at 11:37 AM

I planned on doing that. I was wondering if anybody had some favorites! Thank you Jenny!
