Tabitha Hook

Michigan, ND, United States


Oct 19 at 10:16 AM

Hello salty sisters. I have been really quiet lately. Off my game of working out daily which I miss. Life is so hard right now. Which I do know that working out helps. I’m just physically mentally and emotionally exhausted. As some of you know my MIL lives with us she is now back up to 24 hour care she was at 8 hour care. My husband and I are her care takers even though we don’t have to do a lot for her I am told we are under chronic stress and my mind is always running never stops thinking about my family then also taking care of her. We are also starting the process of redoing our existing home or move or build. Our house isn’t big enough for all of us nor sage for MIL conditions. I keep coming in and out of a funk that I don’t know how to stop. Prayers for me and my family. Encouragement would be great. And if anyone has been in something similar or a funk what did you do?! Thanks love you all’


Oct 19 at 10:09 AM

Angie I am the same way! I workout about 530am and am not hungry until I get to work which is 9ish.


Aug 21 at 11:27 AM

Best part of this workout was my 10 year old saying come on mom don’t slow down you got this during the last set of burpees! Proud mama! ❤️


Commented on 45-MINUTES: Full-Body

Aug 16 at 06:32 AM

WOW this was a fun session! So fun to see how far you have come, but that the fact still years in you still say how blessed you are that we allow you to coach us and thank us at the beginning and end of the session! This was such a good "oldie" so fun to see how much we all have grown! 

Jul 27 at 08:04 AM

Assuming no spouses in this one due to its in state?

Jul 26 at 07:36 PM

I’m ready but now I have to get the right equipment for home or use the lat machine at the gym! Which I never use the machines. Now I need to step out of my box more!

Jul 26 at 08:55 AM

Welcome to the squad. He is adorable!

Jul 23 at 06:09 PM


Jul 18 at 08:41 PM

Jul 16 at 02:18 PM

Yupp mine too and am loving it!