
Commented on Rookie: FITNESS CHAT

Nov 13 at 02:48 PM

I had the supreme pleasure of actually playing with my seven and ten year old nieces yesterday. I have to say “Thank you Jenny for being the best example possible!” We did cartwheels, burpees, and handstands. And we laughed….a lot. Being able to physically move and play with your kids is such a gift. Keep going Saly squad, this is all worth it!

Replied on MVP FTW!

Oct 11 at 09:35 PM

Lisi Pickell you are a true inspiration 💪🏻


Commented on MVP FTW!

Oct 09 at 02:22 PM

Wow! Did you do strength or cardio? Way to go!!!

Commented on Wow wow wow

Sep 29 at 04:53 PM

I have been in “awe”. This program has been amazing. Where do you find the time, energy, stamina, and expertise?! I am ready to do it again. Enjoy a tad bit of R&R. You’ve earned it.

Commented on Wow wow wow

Sep 29 at 08:13 AM

I couldn’t agree more!!!!



Sep 19 at 10:54 AM

Not only was this week’s mini perfect for today, but made us smile! Roman is a natural athlete. We loved seeing him join his mom/trainer extraordinaire. The example you are showing your sons is amazing. They are not only learning about fitness, but teamwork, encouragement, listening, family, and all other life skills that will make them fabulous men some day. What a blessing on a Tuesday morning.



Sep 14 at 08:44 AM

Happiest of birthdays to the best 41 year old we know! May today and the entire year be the best yet.


Replied on THE MVP CHAT

Sep 08 at 02:54 PM


Commented on Where to start??

Sep 08 at 12:46 PM

Try Beginners first. If that’s “too easy” go to Level Up. I promise you’ll be salty.


Commented on post was deleted

Aug 30 at 05:37 PM

Stay safe!