
Commented on WEEK 7: 4X4

Jun 28 at 11:15 AM

I rarely comment on individual sessions. I usually gage my workouts by the week and sometimes even further out. Today, I am a hot, sweaty, salty mess. Today’s gage…….full throttle. Jenny has kicked it into high gear. 👍🏻


Jun 21 at 04:37 PM

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I have been reading “Fiber Fueled. “. I have this cook book and will often cook out of it. We are not vegetarians, and I will add some sort of protein source to a lot of the recipes (eggs, fish, red meat, turkey, etc). But, I have been cooking a big pot of this soup, “Black Beans Soup With Quinoa and Kale. “. I usually add more of everything and recently added lentils to it. Wanted to share in case anyone is interested. It’s really easy, very good, and wonderful for an easy lunch or dinner.



Jun 21 at 08:18 AM

I will let him know!😉



Jun 20 at 10:24 PM

Confession time…..we restarted Beach Shred in May due to back to back to back work travel, lost our kitty after 17 great years, and a family wedding. We are in week six. My husband just said to me, “you better get active if you want to win.”🤪

I stopped looking at everyone’s comments as I knew how sore I was going to be. That Spri booty band is seriously no joke! But these workouts are top notch, amazing, challenging, and truly changing our workouts. I saw last week Jenny did some interval training. I said to my husband “how do you feel about intervals the last mile of our jog?” He’s yet to respond.

To all those who finished already, you rock! To everyone who was able to go to the retreat, awesome 👏🏻. To those still going, you are amazing. And you Jenny……if I could I would send you and your family,(including Sammy), to Hawaii for a vacation!🏝️

May 24 at 03:32 PM

I honestly don’t know how I ever exercised without you. I am gaining, be it slowly, a completely new perspective on fitness and acceptance. Thank you Jenny for your time and talent! 💕


May 19 at 08:00 AM

I have been MIA…..but watching everything. The retreat looks beyond amazing. Congratulations Jenny! Wow! Congratulations Salt Squad. What a retreat!

Commented on The Booty Biscuit Burn

May 04 at 09:55 PM

I did it yesterday and can barely sit today…..

Replied on Beach Shred 2023

May 04 at 08:40 AM

Been there! No shame in slowing down or taking a break. Listening to your body is key. Sometimes I have lots of mental and physical reserves, others I run on empty. Stay salty!

Replied on Beach Shred 2023

May 04 at 08:35 AM

I love that mini cardio! So effectively.

Replied on Beach Shred 2023

May 04 at 08:35 AM

Good to know! I have lactic acid accumulation in all my cellulite deposits. 😂😉